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I like you without any reason. If I dislike you, everything is a reason

Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß °²ÒÝ°åµÊ  ·¢±íÓÚ: 2012-09-07
When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.¡ª¡ª µÈÄã»ñµÃÕæÕýÊôÓÚÄãµÄÐÒ¸£Ö®ºó£¬Äã¾Í»áÃ÷°×Ò»ÆðµÄÉËÍ´ÆäʵÊÇÒ»ÖֲƸ»£¬ËüÈÃÄãѧ»á¸üºÃµØÈ¥°ÑÎÕºÍÕäϧÄã°®µÄÈË¡£

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