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The sad truth is we're all missing someone, and hoping they¡¯re missing us too

Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß °²ÒÝ°åµÊ  ·¢±íÓÚ: 2012-09-11
This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness." -The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) ¡°ÎÒÉúÃüÖеÄÕâÒ»²¿·Ö
Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß °²Òݵذ堠·¢±íÓÚ: 2012-09-11
ϲ»¶,Love is like a rubber band, you and your lover stretch it out, then when someone let go, it hurts the one who still holding on. °®¾ÍÏñÒ»¸ùÏðƤ½î£¬Ç£À­×ÅÄãºÍÄã°®µÄÈË£¬È»¶øµ±ÆäÖÐÒ»ÈË·ÅÊÖÀëÈ¥£¬»¹ÎÕס²»·ÅµÄÄǸöÈ˱ã»áÊÜÉË¡£Ö§³Ö,¶¥°²ÒÝÍø£¡

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