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Maturity not to see how old you, but your shoulders strong enough to see multiple responsibilities

Maturity not to see how old you, but your shoulders strong enough to see multiple responsibilities.¡ª¡ª ³ÉÊì²»ÊÇ¿´ÄãµÄÄêÁäÓжà´ó£¬¶øÊÇ¿´ÄãµÄ¼ç°òÄÜÌôÆð¶àÖصÄÔðÈΡ£
Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß °²ÒÝɳ·¢  ·¢±íÓÚ: 2012-08-22
It doesn¡¯t matter what other people think about you. The only thing that matters is that you are happy with who you are. ¡ª¡ª±ðÈËÔõô¿´Äã²»ÖØÒª£¬Î¨Ò»ÖØÒªµÄÊÇÄãºÜϲ»¶ÕæʵµÄ×Ô¼º¡£

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