• 2003ÔĶÁ
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Each moment is an opportunity to do something different and to move us towards our happiness

Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß °²ÒÝ°åµÊ  ·¢±íÓÚ: 2012-09-01
Don¡¯t be jealous that people have done better than you.All you need to do is keep breaking your own record every day,for success is a fight between you and yourself.²»ÒªÑÛºì±ðÈ˱ÈÄã×öµÃºÃ,Ö»ÐèҪÿÌì´òÆÆÄã×Ô¼ºµÄ¼Ç¼£¬ÒòΪ³É¹¦ÊÇÄãºÍ×Ô¼º´òÕÌ¡£

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